Un dia vi 10.000 Elefantes – documentary
A comic book historical novel, with the feel of a cartoon film documentary. “Un día vi 10.000 Elefantes” (One day I saw 10,000 Elephants) is the first animated feature historical documentary film, Directed by Alex Guimerà ( ) and Juan Pajares ( ), Produced by SeveralStudio and coproduced by TVE and TV3, Animation and motion graphics by […]
Stradivarius 2014 shops Client: Stradivarius Description: Editing and postproducction for the Opening of a new Stradivarius retail in Mexico, 2013. Animation, Editing and Postproduction Stradivarius Retail Opening in Mexico Client: Stradivarius Music: Ibiza Nit Description: Editing and postproducction for the Opening of a new Stradivarius retail in Mexico, 2013. Editing and Postproduction.
Zeal & the United – Animated Comic Teaser
Zeal & the United is an U.S.A comic wrote by Alfonso way Jr. We created this animated trailer as the teaser to promote the comic book.
Mobster Mayhem – Video Game Promo
We did this promo video for Mobster Mayhem game for iOS. This project include animation and Vfx